You can find a lot of information about HIFU technology online (HIFU 3D & HIFU 4D). But it can be quite confusing when it comes to buying new equipment.
Here, you’ll find the best ultrasound options on the market, both professional and for home use.
We tested the best brands, the best alternatives available. Here you’ll find all the information you need before buying an ultrasound lifting machine in 2021.
LIFTING WITH NO SURGERY is what this machines aim at, and we’ll tell you everything about them.
- Risks and colateral effects.
- Features to take into account before buying.
- Sessions and treatments length.
- Differences between HIFU 3D and HIFU 4D.
- Other uses of the HIFU technology.
Here is where you’ll find all the answers.
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What is Hifu (Hifu 3d & Hifu 4d) and Facial Rejuvenation?

The purpose of the Hifu technology is to tighten the skin using high intensity focused ultrasound.
The treatment is extremely effective in stimulating collagen production, removing lines and wrinkles to the face and neck. Hifu technology also focuses on body fat reduction aswell as cellulite removal.
It destroys fat cells by using heat from ultrasound technology which stimulates collagen production and produces noticeable results.
The technology will target a specific areas of fat to reduce it in the quickest time possible. Hifu delivers focused energy at a depth of 1.4cm to break down fat cells creating fat loss and skin tightening.
Most machines work with temperatures close to 70 degrees, that heat is used to destroy those cells that we want to “harm” so that the are looks nicer, smother, newer and younger.
That’s why some people call it NON SURGICAL FACE LIFTING. Because the results are similar to the results of a traditional face lifting, but without the need of a surgery.
It’s a safe method, non invasive, with less colateral effects than a surgery and with amazing potential results.
FAQ about HIFU 3D, facial and vaginal rejuvenation:
How long are the sessions? How long is the treatment?
Of course, It all depends on what kind of HIFU 3d/4d equipment you are using.
Sessions are not painful at all. Depending on the machine, the patient and the are you want to focus on, it may take between 20 minutes and 2 hours.
Results will be visible soon after the treatment. You can even witness a change after your first session. However, to see real results, you probably need 2 weeks after the treatment.
The best time to analyse results, would be around 2 months after your last session. Because by then, your skin would have been able to create brand new smooth tissues.
It’s recommended not to take more than 5 sessions in the same area, with 40 days intervals between each session.
But again, everything depends on the machine you are using.
What kind of patients is the treatment aimed at?
Despite what many people may thing, the treatment is 100% unisex.
Aimed at patients between 30 and 60 years old. People who want to have a smoother, younger and fresher skin.
Ideal to eliminate fine wrinkles, lines and any pigmentation.
Most patients are looking forward to improve the look of their skin, they look for skin rejuvenation of their forehead, cheeks, eyes and chin.
Hifu tech is also being used for fat loss and other types of skin tightening such as vaginal rejuvenation.
Is Hifu painful?
Again, it all depends on what kind of equipment you are going to use.
However, we can make a few general statements regarding how painful HIFU ultrasound rejuvenation is:
- The feeling is not particularly nice, but it’s not highly painful or unbearable.
- there can be some discomfort while the ultrasound energy is being delivered. But it’s just that, and the sessions length is quite short.
- There may be slight redness or swollen skin for up to an hour or so after each session.
- A small percentage of clients may have slight swelling, tingling or tenderness to touch, but these are mild and temporary in nature. The feeling of a muscle workout soreness is common but relieves itself quickly.
HIFU Ultrasound Rejuvenation treatments benefits
- In comparison with surgery, HIFU facelift has lower risks.
- This type of lifting rejuvenation has a shorter downtime. Patients can return to their routines daily activities right after the procedure.
- Fast results, almost instantly visible improvements.
- Affordable and effective alternative to surgery.
- This minimally-invasive cosmetic procedure allows you to see fast results in: smoothen out wrinkles, reduce double chin, face contouring and tighten sagging skin.
Things to take into account: Colateral and side effects
HIFU tech offers a lower risk lifting. This non surgical method is safer, but there are a few colateral effects and potential undesired results that you should know.
Disadvantages of using HIFU ultrasound treatments:
What kind of patient should try to avoid ultrasound treatmens?
- Patients with previous injuries, bruises, cuts, acne, herpes or tumours in the are that is about to be treated.
- Patients with implants in that area.
- People with keloid scarring.
- Patients that consume aspiring and similar anti coagulating drugs.
- Patients with any kind of scarring issues.
- Pregnant patients, kids, and people with diabetes.
Side effects:
Evidence suggests that a HIFU facial has few side effects, although some patients may experience different types of discomfort after the sessions.
- swelling
- numbness
- redness
- bruising
- purple rash
Types of HIFU machines, uses and differences:

HIFU technology is used mostly for skin tightening rejuvenation (body, facial and vaginal) and fat reduction.
The type of transducer will determine the type of treatment the patient will get.
HIFU 3d and 4d are not that different from each other. It’s just about the amount of treatment lines.
Just like traditional HIFU, HIFU 3D works with the same principle. HIFU 3D allows you to reach different skin layers. It can penetrate different depths, normally 3.0, 4.5, 6, 10, 13 and 16 millimetres.
The 3D is there to show us the amount of treatment lines. HIFU 3d machines usually have up to 10 simultaneous working lines.
Again, same principle, same desired effects, just more lines per shot. The more lines you get per shot, the less exposure to the laser you will need to get the same results. More effectiveness means less time, less time means less pain as well.
That’s why it’s so important to have more treatment lines, specially when you want to work on sensitive areas such as face and vagina.
This one is our favourite 3D HIFU professional machine on the market in 2021. You can actually get in online for an affordable price.
It’s quite common to see complicated comparisons between 3D HIFU machines and “4D HIFU” equipment.
The truth is, they use exactly the same technology. There are no differences between them. Again it’s only about the transducers and the amount of treatment lines. More dots, more effectiveness, less pain, less time.
Same principle, same tech.
Best Chinese hifu brands on the market: top 3
We only talk about brands that we know. Equipment that we actually tried and tested. We wouldn’t even mention a machine if we didn’t have real user’s feedback.
These are the features you need to know about these machines.
HIFU MACHINES | Q5 | HIFU 3d Keylaser | Replica ULTHERAPY |
SHOTS PER TRANSDUCER | 18.000 SHOTS | 10.000 SHOTS | 20.000 SHOTS |
PRICE (including import charges) | U$D 5.500 | U$D 8.000 | U$D 3.200 |
MAIN FEATURE | Best users feedback. Affordable price. | Too expensive. Good machine. | Excelent alternative. |
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The prices that are being mentioned in these Posts, are FINAL PRICES that include taxes, custom fees, freight costs, paperwork, etc.
Not FOB CHINA Prices. That means the they will change depending on your country.
Don’t hesitate to contact us, Even if we don’t offer our services within your country, we are always happy to help! 🙂